Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Entering hour 3 of my 4 hour layover at ohare. I'm really happy I
caught the CNN breaking news of the hour before I leave the states for
a lil while. Seems miss Lindsay is in jail! GASP! TMZ must be going

So I think I'm supposed to take a moment for reflection and think
about what I want to get out of this interlude.

I think my main goal is to explore the wonders of being content in the
immediate. This means giving up some of my controlling tendencies,
being fully aware of my surroundings and not needing constant
stimulation for entertainment. Well, I guess really I mean replacing
technology w mountainscapes.

Ok being deep isn't working for me right now. Oh, but I did start
crying this morning on the drive to seatac w my sister when a song
about sisters came on. Stupid sister

I'm off to do some laps around the airport for an hour. I ended up
checking my pack (23 pounds! I think I overpacked).

Check ya in India.

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